LCI 2 Criminal Intelligence Operations For Law Enforcement (1 Day)
This is the first course in our criminal intelligence series. Conducting criminal intelligence operations allows you to get ahead of emerging criminal trends and are an absolute necessity when facing the potential of civil unrest or mass protests. We will provide the fundamental skill sets needed to properly conduct criminal intelligence operations so that you can produce an actionable product for the end user.
This is the first course in our criminal intelligence series. Conducting criminal intelligence operations allows you to get ahead of emerging criminal trends and are an absolute necessity when facing the potential of civil unrest or mass protests. We will provide the fundamental skill sets needed to properly conduct criminal intelligence operations so that you can produce an actionable product for the end user.
This is the first course in our criminal intelligence series. Conducting criminal intelligence operations allows you to get ahead of emerging criminal trends and are an absolute necessity when facing the potential of civil unrest or mass protests. We will provide the fundamental skill sets needed to properly conduct criminal intelligence operations so that you can produce an actionable product for the end user.
Introduction to Criminal Intelligence for Law Enforcement professionals. The course will focus on defining and building the core skill sets required to properly conduct criminal intelligence operations. The student will then learn the fundamentals of the requirements needed to produce an actionable product for the end user. The course will focus on the Intelligence Cycle and the techniques used to fulfill each of it’s components.
Understanding the Requirements of the Consumer
Developing Collection methods
Analysis of the Information
Producing the Product for the intelligence consumer
Distribution/Dissemination of Information/Intelligence to the consumer
Consumer feedback/re-tasking