Travel Smart (1 Day)
This course is a must for the international traveler and for those who find themselves potentially in harm’s way. If you are required to carry sensitive items or other valuables, this is a “must attend” class. This course is specifically designed to address personal safety and security concerns. We stress and help you develop effective safety travel awareness of your surroundings and help you develop a “street-smart” mindset.
This course is a must for the international traveler and for those who find themselves potentially in harm’s way. If you are required to carry sensitive items or other valuables, this is a “must attend” class. This course is specifically designed to address personal safety and security concerns. We stress and help you develop effective safety travel awareness of your surroundings and help you develop a “street-smart” mindset.
This course is a must for the international traveler and for those who find themselves potentially in harm’s way. If you are required to carry sensitive items or other valuables, this is a “must attend” class. This course is specifically designed to address personal safety and security concerns. We stress and help you develop effective safety travel awareness of your surroundings and help you develop a “street-smart” mindset.
This course is a must for the international traveler and for those who find themselves potentially in harm’s way. If you are required to carry sensitive items or other valuables, this is a “must attend” class. This course is specifically designed to address personal safety and security concerns. We stress and help you develop effective safety travel awareness of your surroundings and help you develop a “street-smart” mindset.
A street-smart traveler has a working knowledge of the criminal and terrorist mind and what their selection process is. The course will attune the attendee to his/her environment and to be able to spot the precursor actions and signs that may signal an attack.
This course stresses avoidance of potentially violent situations and confrontations. Participants will learn the steps that will dramatically increase one’s safety and security. Skydas Group International teaches simple, easy-to-use yet highly effective defensive countermeasures.
By the conclusion of the course, participants will have developed an increased security awareness which they can translate into their own personal security around the home and while they travel, including personal vehicles, public transportation, airports, and hotels. Participants will also learn invaluable measures for personal safety both at home and abroad. It is a must for the international traveler and those who have business interests overseas.
Terrorist and Criminal Methodologies
Attack Cycle
Situational Awareness
Conflict Avoidance
Personal Security while Traveling
Health and Hygiene
Driving OCONUS
Your Rights in Foreign Lands
Country and Region Background/Cultural Sensitivity
Improvised Personal Weapons